De mon placard - Les meilleures robes Vintage Blog

The Time Warp, from The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Let's Do The Time Warp ... and Weft

...Examples of costume designers playing fast and loose with history -- for any variety of reasons -- abound ...
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Making Movies: My First Year as an Extra

Making Movies: My First Year as an Extra

... I've never aspired to a career in acting. Nope. I'm in it for the clothes! ...
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The No. 1 Ladies' Costume Designer - BDV Interviews Jo Katsaras

The No. 1 Ladies' Costume Designer - BDV Interviews Jo Katsaras

... JK: I think clothing is your first aura, it's what the world sees of your personality ...
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Silent Movie - "The Loves of Pharaoh"

Silent Movie - "The Loves of Pharaoh"

... What scenarios from our current dramatic cinema will send future audiences into fits of giggles, while wondering what our long-ago reaction had been? ...
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